Gruppo Pragma

Company | Gruppo Pragma

Founded nearly thirty years ago, Gruppo Pragma offers digital solutions and platforms for corporate training. Since 2022, it has part of Ebano SpA, which acquired control of the company. Gruppo Pragma is based in Trieste at Area Science Park, one of the leading scientific and technological parks in Europe.

Gruppo Pragma is an innovative company with a fully digital focus, specializing in e-learning projects and initiatives based on digital technologies. Its goal is to guide individuals and organizations through change. The company’s vision is rooted in the concept of “closer&beyond”: being inclusive, embracing and integrating psychology and technology to support the empowerment and growth of people and organizations; encouraging a full participation in the innovation process; looking beyond, anticipating the future, and enriching the present with innovation by co-creating the best solutions with our clients.

The company’s clients include private and public organizations across various sectors. The team consists of highly qualified professionals with both humanistic and technological backgrounds, as well as extensive business experience. Constant R&D activity has led to innovative solutions, such as the first virtual tutor for e-learning and intranet platforms, developed using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. This pioneering project won the Confindustria “Imprese x Innovazione” award in 2012 and remained active for 10 years, providing user assistance to over 50,000 users.

In 2017, research led to the creation of the first Italian e-coaching platform, i•dive improve to change, an original cloud-based digital suite designed by psychologists specializing in cognitive neuroscience, educational technologists, and AI experts. This platform makes coaching scalable and accessible in a sustainable way, while maintaining high quality and effectiveness.

The integration and synergies with Ebano provide a strong impetus for market development, targeting both large enterprises and SMEs. International expansion is a priority, and the company is already active in foreign markets, particularly in Brazil, where it opened its own local branch, Pragma Brasil, in June 2023.

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Board of Directors

Carlo Robiglio
Oriana Cok
Maria Rita Fiasco
Board Member
Marco Sarzi Amadé
Board Member
Mario Gallieni
Board Member


Year of birth
Digital events
Active costumers
Active users
Coachee in i·dive


Customized training and training projects, delivered through LMS and LXP systems
Design, development and delivery of digital training content
Corporate communication and digital facilitation projects to enhance the work of virtual teams